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Ignore Joshthedemon or, Just the dumbass as I call them. All they do is pull whinny lil illiterate hissy fits and call people “fat fucks” “fat boy” and berate fans and Devs on multiple threads, tell people to fuck their dad or get raped by their dad’s friends as well as threaten your family… sounds like projection to me, but it’s all there in their comment history for you all to see and report so I clown tf outta them and report it all as well as let each thread they fucked around on find out exactly what they are like. Fuck around find out, dumbass


You should do too..your comments are everywhere, are you his twin?

(1 edit)

Looks like someone didn’t actually read past them to find out why and just assumed or you’d know why I commented everywhere they did… calling them out, hence posting everywhere they did

not your problem tho, anyway try to report him

They basically threatened my family so I’m hitting them every way, eventually with enough reports they’ll get banned (same with any alts) and eventually move on to harass the sun for shining in their eyes or something