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i really loved this game, it was short and sweet, and really fun to play. i absolutely adored the art and the soundtrack. i saw a lot of things that i loved in lisa in this game, and surprisingly, this game gave me a bit more of a challenge than lisa did, even on pain mode. the more constricted roster meant i couldnt just put together some indestructible force of chaos with some characters that had unbeatable synergy, but there was still really good and balanced synergy between the characters in this game. in lisa, i really didn't worry too much about items because resting spots were fairly plentiful, and a good few of the characters had healing moves, not to mention i could just farm mags and go rest at an inn, but in this game, even though there was an abundance of items to be found and bought, i still found myself having to strategically and conservatively think out how i was going to use my items in battles because of how much i had to use them. i think this game did items really well because of the dependence you have on them with the lack of restoration moves, and the rhythm between areas with item abundance and item scarcity, and i think it just really adds to the difficulty in a way that lisa didn't.
TL;DR: great gameplay, great art, great soundtrack, overall super fun experience.