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Spoiler for some of the upgrades, stop reading if you don't wanna know:

Why does it say that the name tag does nothing?

I got bored when I wasn't able to do anything fast enough to enjoy it, so I bought the name tag to finish the game but a new upgrade appeared. Is that a bug, was the name tag supposed to be at the end? Because it did something other than add a name.

Sorry about the EXTREMELY late reply! I've been busy with other things and haven't had the chance to check itch in a while!

How the upgrade progression works is that the next upgrade is unlocked after the previous one was purchased for the first time. The name tag says it does nothing because it doesn't have an actual effect (it's just cosmetic), but since it's an upgrade, it unlocks the next upgrade.

Sorry if my explanation is a bit incoherent. Looking back on it, the name tag's description is definitely misleading!