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Game development Trembling Essence update:

Hi guys and welcome to my devlog. Here's another update about the game development progress so far which is fairly short! A very special thank you to those that have been sending thoughtful messages, I really appreciate it! :]

If you would like to play the demo here's a link to it. :]

A lot of progress has been made on the final route! I mainly did a lot of writing and adjusting variables as I went along so I don't really have a lot to discuss right now. It was fairly fun experience since it gave me more ideas that might get implement into the game!

Both of my play testers went through it and didn't have any complaints outside of grammar mistakes here and there. I thought the route might've been too short since I adjusted some things to keep it from being too long but they reassured it's fine the way it is! :,]

In my last update post I mentioned that this route would most likely be dialog heavy.

Originally I was going to make each choice that lead to this have their own unique path. As I went through everything I realized that it would be too much for the player and I don't want to have too much going on to where it can become overwhelming and confusing.

  • To fix this I went ahead and made certain situational segments and/or scenarios all go through a specific direction(s) together versus making every single one all have their own separate path. It's going to require a good amount of variables to make it work correctly but hopefully this all makes sense!

I only have two more to go in terms of cleaning everything up so that's going to be my main focus until my next update post!

I also took the liberty of going through my Tumblr and organizing things a bit so it's easier to navigate through! Some things were slightly edited or removed since I don't align with it anymore or I just didn't like some of my old drawings.

To know and understand Noah through Asks and random posts about lore, they'll be under #Get to know: Noah

For updates about the game, they'll be under #TE Updates

If there's any other #'s I should add to keep things organized, please let me know! :]

With all that said I think that covers everything, thank you guys for believing in me and supporting what I'm trying to create! :,]