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By far the best hentai game I've seen. The animations, the soundtrack, the fact it has a plot!! and it's genuienly interesting!! It's nice to have an actual reason to do stuff instead of it being because the protagonist is just like that. The gameplay loop does become very tedious(especially at the end) and there are plenty of bugs that are annoying (Certain tasks like the dress for Asuka and the novel reappearing and overriding the current one, even if you've already finished them), that is to be expected from something still in progress.

I wasn't gonna write anything until I read someone said the plot ruined the sex fantasy? and the mere idea that the plot did anything but enhance the game made me spitefully leave a good comment. amazing work!!!

Thank you for the kind words. <3 Did you experience the bug on Monday? Honestly, we've been trying to fix that particular bug since 0.4, but we never found it. Not even our beta tester has reported that bug. We will still work on trying to find it and fix it once and for all.

For everybody who is experiencing this bug, I've been told that you can avoid it just by not going to class on Monday.