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(1 edit) (+1)

First, excellent art, great story and music to go along!

Also five minutes into the game and we're already playing as an archangel slaying a titanic dragon, now that's things escalating quickly! Pretty refreshing to see a RPG where you already start as a super badass fighting top tier enemies!

Amazing that you actually managed to make a turn-based combat system with animations and everything in Ren'Py! Loved in particular how the protagonist's portrait changes into a mosaic when selected! The bit where you need to protect the puny background soldiers while fighting is pretty nice and feels original for a turn-based RPG too, giving something to care about besides your own party's HP.

Still said combat feels to me like it needs some polishing. In particular, the HPs felt too high and the damage too low, with the battle ending up with repeating the same cycle of attack-self heal-restore mana multiple times, just pausing now and then to heal soldiers. In particular for the tutorial battle, it shouldn't last very long.

That aside, great work you've got here, definitely would like to experience more!

Thank you for your positive feedback. It is encouraging for me.