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This game is awesome!
The mix between 3d and 2d is weird, and takes some getting used to but i ended up really liking it. as for the actual style of the game, it is really cute and playful and un-assuming at first.

Everything ties together so well. The crops being so beautiful but having a touch of decay and creepiness, the sound effects happening throughout, the random events that don't actually impact game-play., everything is creepy and mysterious and unknown.
I love how to game has both immediate threats and more 'docile until provoked' kind of threats, yet everything seems to want to kill you. You can never take a break and you're always on the edge of your seat. (Also why i think there shouldn't be a save button)

However, it's not nearly as challenging as videos made it out to be.  I finished the game my first time playing it, and i only came across 3 different threats and very quickly learnt how to get around said threats. I found that some of them became less creepy/scary after only a couple encounters.

I wish there were modes/levels where (for example) events happen more/less often, crops need more/less water, crops yield more/less money or cost more/less. Maybe you have more lives if on easy mode, maybe there are more steps to escape on hard mode.

(SPOILER: I liked how the deer is always a threat but i wish the clown and crawling guy happened more often. I also wish the music for the crawling guy was shorter and more immediate. Everything became predictable quickly, but i think it would help if the frequency of events was increased as you progress and distance of triggering the deer was further)

Here are some threats and events that i think would fit in well but definitely don't have to be added: 

  1. killer bunny that are found feeding on your crops. if you let them eat a crop they are fine and you loose a crop no matter what progress its at, but if you approach them (similarly to the deer) they turn into a killer bunny.
  2. Fake clown #1. A clown that looks a bit different to sad clown and will try to take the balloon from you.
  3. Fake clown #2. A clown that gives you a blue balloon instead of a red one, and if you try to give it to the sad clown, the sad clown kills you.
  4. Disease. A mist that covers a patch of crops and when you walk into it, triggers an immediate event, like the crawling guy or triggers the deer. Also makes the crops not be able to water.
  5. Nightmare. A shadow figure that chases you into the house at night time, but goes away when you approach the bed.
  6. Friends/Family come to save you. They rarely show up at the docks on a boat offering to take you home. If you get on the boat they turn into another creature and kill you.
  7. Rain. waters your crops.
  8. Sun. you need to water your crops more frequently or they will die, and if you don't dispose of dead crop they will catch fire and spread to other crops.
  9. Witch. appears randomly and must make an offering of (say pearls) or she will try and kill you.
  10. Wendigo husband. A bigger and faster version of the normal deer.
  11. Full moon. Some random nights are a full moon where werewolf/s attack you at the start of the night. Some full moons they don't attack and can instead be seen running in the trees
  12. Greed mushrooms. They grow randomly and you can eat and collect a full inventory (max seeds, max water, max lantern fuel) If you eat too many times you die.
  13. Alternative mushroom. You can eat to still collect full inventory but have a rare chance to die.
  14. Vampire fish. If pulled up on the fishing line (rare), renders the fishing line useless for the rest of the game-play (or de-spawns after a bit). If collected, you die.
  15. Calico cat. A cat friend that sits buy the docks. If you give it a fish it will help you by watering your crops slowly over time and slightly decreasing the chance of events triggering.
  16. Black cat. A cat that also sits by the docks but if you don't feed it before you leave, it will come with you back home and unlocks a new ending where it kills you when you escape (maybe your family too)
  17. Dog. The crow drops a bone at some point and a dog spawns by the selling bench. if you feed the dog the bone, it will stay in your house and decrease how fast the bed monster spawns.

Thank you very much for all your ideas!! There are very good ideas here.