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Just completed the game! The VFX was amazing, and the real-time tutorial was implemented in a very clever way. I like how there was text near a new mechanics explaining how everything worked. The controls also seemed very intuitive.

I like how the level reacted to completions of sections, and how the camera shifted very smoothly. The lights were also really cool, as I always love lighting lol. 

Also, how did you guys get the sound of the pinball rolling to play so reactively? That was pretty crazy too. The sound design was top notch.

Downside is I didn't see the theme connect too well, and although I was surprised at how much technical effort this might have took, I didn't think the concept was that original.


I recorded a metal item rolling on an oak table and made a loop from that, and also an impact sound.

For the impact I had a pool of audio players and set db and pitch based on how much the velocity changed since last frame. Big change => high pitch and db

For the rolling sound I had the loop playing all the time, updating db and pitch each frame based on current velocity. High velocity => high pitch and db.

It turned put pretty good I think, which was fun to see, because it was quite low effort.