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Very nice one good work ! Already made me go for paid version haha

If I can make some suggestions after finishing it : 

- Maybe a pregnancy chance rate system when getting filled that increase with amount of semen taken making a game over If reaching final state but can be stopped by maybe finding pills items 

- Maybe a clothing/accessories system that give certain skills like for example a swimsuit outfit giving more movement speed but you're more vulnerable to zombie attack and the struggle with pink bar is harder to get up, can be more attractive too for a certain monster etc... But also customizing our character :)

And I know some parts are already difficult to pass but more difficulty would be challenging x)

Keep up with the great work ! Waiting to see next updates !

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

your first suggestion is good bro, but i prefer she give birth to it than game over instead. but ofcourse it back to decisions of our beloved developer Jashinn

Thanks for the suggestion, I will consider it (o゜▽゜)o☆

(3 edits) (-1)

Jashinn you might be see those idea of  pregnancy system and she give birth are pretty good idea but I have to change something in those idea when she give birth the game was not over I think when she give birth then she loss her hp

What you think about this idea

Those ideas are good but the game over I doesn't like it because so many peoples are playing your game for a fun they did not enjoy this game when it goes difficult or game over 

The game over method may be adjusted in the future ヾ(•ω•`)o