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Ok, so overall, this game has a lot of potential, and I do hope to see more later on. However, there are a few points that I would like to speak on:

1) The random lights highlighting different parts of the world were disorienting. Normally, lights guide you to where you are supposed to go, the lights in the town seem to be placed randomly, and just confuses the player

2) After waking back up in town, I had trouble finding his home (it took far longer than it needed to) because the lights were confusing, and there were invisible "blocks" in places that, I had to figure out how to get through, because they kept me from getting to the correct area

3) After returning to the town, I fell through the map a few times, trying to find his home. (always in the dark, and it seems like there were supposed to be invisible barriers in those areas, so maybe they moved somehow? Not sure)

Tldr: 1) Random lights = confusion on where to go, 2) no 'breaadcrumbs' to lead the player back home, invisible blocks in the wrong areas maybe, 3) fell through the map

It has a ton of potential, and I'm excited to see you grow your games!


Also, another bug: After loading back into the game, (where it loaded the fall, and you being down there) the key card door was open. I tried to be good, and go through it correctly, but once I got the keycard, I decided to use it on the card reader, and the door closed on me. So I reloaded, it was still open, so I just went through the door that time

Thank you for your attention. I take a note,thank you,really :)

But idk about new update for this chapter