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Oh, hi! I apologize for taking so long to respond. Let me warn you in advance that English is not my first language and it was a little difficult for me to understand what was meant. so you can correct me!! During the tests, I connected a graphics tablet to the laptop; it is designed for drawing and just duplicates the laptop screen, controlled by a stylus. I'm a little confused because I tested both with and without the tablet and nothing changed. I'm very very sorry, if I misunderstood anything, please correct me.

and also here is the model of the tablet, if it is useful!!

huion - kamvas pro 13

Thanks so much for trying that out for us. I was very hopeful that running without the table would have worked for you. We will be posting an update soon with some changes that may help. Thanks again for sticking with us and helping out. Your English is amazing, by the way.

omg, I'm sorry, but I'm just using a translator!! I'll be looking forward to the update, and it's so silly that we thank each other. Thank you!!

(1 edit)

Hello! I am sorry that I’ve been quite for a couple weeks. I wanted to tell you that a new build has been uploaded. It includes an update that should fix your mouse problem. We’ve had a couple people (who also had your same problem) tell us that it has fixed the bug for them. If you are still interested, I would very much like to know if this fixes your issue. I hope you are well. Thank you.