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(1 edit)

the path tracker thingy (pop up menu top right) does not work correctly until episode 7 in a new game as the three variables are not defined until this point.

easy workaround: set them to a default value early on, e.g. in episode0.rpy. this does not break any saves or risks to introduce other issues - when the variable has a different value the "default" directive does not overwrite it.

default pointslightpath = 0 
default pointstwilightpath = 0 
default pointsdarkpath = 0

looking forward to see more of the game, the first handful of episodes were a pleasure.

do you have a discord or similar? I have a longish list of remarks and typos, not really suitable for itch's comment system breaking the layout all the time

You can join my Discord here:


Thank you for the workaround!

The Path Tracking System was made by a player who wanted to help the players have a better idea on how to track their Path so I didn't know that!