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It's ok, I am not implementing pregnancy yet, still, I wanted to add the option from the beginning.

Maybe I am changing that for future updates


That's rather unfortunate given that's the deciding factor in my decisionmaking for most games. Here's hoping for sex magic. Fertility boosting sex magic. You can't have a game with magic and sex in it without sex magic, after all.


Oh my bad, I should've been more specific.
I meant I may change the "Give you the choice from the beginning" feature. Instead, maybe just add the choice later one, once pregnancy is actually available.

In fact, boosting pregnancy through magic was something that I've been thinking about, as well as reducing the pregnancy chances to 0% through magic.


Blah blah blah blah SHUT YO 4'0 HYPER REALISTIC SMURF CAT GARGAMEL AHH UP!!!!!!!!!!!