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I love it so much! It've been a serious thing to survive, specially because I was a little silly at the begining and didn't see the clown's note in the house :') and after that, I don't know how, but didn't see that I've to buy the gears in the workbench, no fishing them lmao I don't know why I thought that I'd to fishing them, possibly because of the good ambient and tension of the game I got a little nervous xD

I've to say that I feel is all perfect just like I've play it now, obviously I'll love see more content in the future and I hope to buy it as soon as possible when it's available in steam. The only things I would suggest are maybe an upgrade for the chandelier (but I understand it's part of the thing to get out soon in the ship); more interaction with the little crow, maybe like an optional extent tutorial that you can disabled to keep to others the essence of the original version, and other type of dialogue of course for the people that have this option disabled, and the last thing I would suggest, is an encyclopedia for the monsters, I think would be a great thing to identify them in their differents modes and read a little about them ^^

Thank you so much for all your feedback and ideas, it really helps!