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I DID IT! 100%, 195 normal cucumbers, 35 blue cucumbers, 9 misfortune, all quests done, all bad ends and pictures are collected! Holy blue cucumbers! It's reallygreat game! I feel satisfaction after completing at 100%

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Holy moly!!! %'3 What a wonderful job you did!! That's amazing!! The very newest version of the game has 36 Blue Cucumbers, but I'll tell you why you don't have 1 extra: it's because you were updating from the previous ones to the newest ones after you've already went far! So, don't worry about "missing it", you probably didn't miss anything!

You are an amazing player, holy moly!!

EDIT: this is WRONG, game only has 35 cucumbers right now!! I messed up!!

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I almost don't understand what you said. But ok. I really liked play this game. Btw. If there some where another 1 blue cucumber, i try to find it then. But game really great. Hope to see more projects like this 

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Oh, I just mentioned it in case you see someone else have 36 cucumbers - don't worry about it, you have them all!! The 36th one will not spawn in your version, however it's easy to find, so you'd have found it, you likely met the requirements! Just wanted to let you know that you have 100%ed the game for realsies! If you want 36 cucumbers, you'd probably have to restart the playthrough, so no worries!

EDIT: wrong wrong wrong!!!!!!!!

Ok. I guess the 36'th blue cucumber is in picturebook?

Oh, no, I just added 1 extra interaction in the game %'3 Just to help out a player who might be missing some but still wants a True Ending, because I think my game isn't the kind where you should be forced to go and get every collectible!

Extra interaction? What is it? 

You use the Rainbow Shell on a Shell painting in the Blue Cucumber room!

I already did that and got 35'th blue cucumber. Hm. Maybe somewhere i missed one 

Yaaa, I guess you did! Mysterious Shell picture has every Item-related Blue Cucumber that you can miss lined out - additionally, you might have missed a reward conversation with some NPCs, like the toothy guy you save from Dream World!

True ending is collect every balloon and get credits, also transformation in main menu, right?

Yaaass, you're right!

Also i think try to play "Elizabeth Slay". I wonder why this game don't have any comments

It's because the main Elizabeth SLAY!! hub is actually on Newgrounds, the game has a lot of comments there!