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So I know your a one man team (Definitely respect that) and I don't mean to sound pushy or anything so let me know if I am. But I was wondering if you had a timeframe that the 4.0 update might be out or is it still too far out to give a prediction?


Good question. 2 previous deadlines resulted in a tragic build with missing content and a lot of bugs. I decided to change a workflow and instead of having a specific date of release, I have a list of goals I want to achieve before release.

I guess the roadmap approach of checking the milestones of the project is better than a strict time and date. My dream scenario is to finish the vanila version of Debtors (without Debtors: Adventures) till the end of 2023.

I have new, naughty projects in mind but I need to close this one first ;]


Oh cool honestly that sounds a lot more forgiving and manageable than having set deadlines. Hopefully you can get your goals done but despite the fact that I cant speak for everyone I for one appreciate that you seem to focus more on delivering a product your proud of than rushing it because a few naysayers are too antsy to wait.