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so basically the story is reddit tier nihilism WOW most original itch io story. i hope the creator gets a reddit gold for THAT! so keanu reeves wholsesome big chungus definitely for the front page of r/nihilism

(2 edits) (+1)

I don't care, the game was fun. That's all that matters for me.


no it wasn't 

unpopular opinion, delete your account

unpopular opinion this game is shit

whats bad about it


Well I had fun with this, and I think the large majority of everyone else did too. It's fine if you didn't enjoy it, but unless you have something insightful to bring up for why you didn't like it, I think it would be best to just keep your comments to yourself.

It's just a neat little platformer that can be 100%'d in under an hour anyway so I don't see what there is to complain about.


honest question: how old are you?