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I loved this sooo much. Its so creative but it kind of made me feel weird. i have so much control over claire, and it feels like i dont deserve having that much control over her. she deserves to be happy and i feel like i can just take that away with the click of a button and its so odd.
but these feelings made having played this so worth it. i dont experience any type of emotion while playing video games usually so thank you so much for this :)


Thank you for playing!!! 

Originally, it was supposed to be a one-shot. When you reach her happy ending, she lives there peacefully and if you try to play the game again, it'll only show her room with the sounds of birds chirping.

And while it made me happy, it didn't really work well gameplay-wise.

So I opted to have a warning when you restart the game in order to make you realise that you'll be putting her through a loop.

I'm glad to hear that you want her to be happy TT She is. (On my computer, she's living her best life as a very happy and pampered lady.)