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(2 edits) (-2)

I came here to fap, not to feel! 

Honestly, I enjoyed the game. Idk if Emma's route is the only completed route or not but I'm glad I chose it. I'm literally crying rn after I finished that route. 

You mentioned that this is a simple game, but why you gives us complex feelings. I do have different fave porn games mostly either because of mechanics or the art or the animation or some feels but this is the one who gives the most emotion for me. On top of that it has great animation (I just can't fap because of the emotions of this game) Couldn't wait for more routes to come. 

Keep up the good work!! 

Edit: just finished the damn game so far. All of them girls left such emotional impact. I wish we can have some other solo routes just like Emma. So far I like all of the girls but if you decided to have a route without Harem I think I would love to see everyone (preferably Sky, Moon, Freya, or Naomi)