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The art style is super cute, and has great animations and expressions, but the writing is the best thing about this. It has so much humor, i laughed out a few times, great job! The intro just misses some epic music to reinforce the writing to make the whole sequence even better.

The perspective is certainly interesting, I can’t yet decide if I like it or if it’s too wired.

I don’t like that the game just quited on me after i reached the border, that was very akward, becaues i hadn’t visited the magic shop yet and the intro was not skippable.

Generally it seems to me that you have a interesting story here with great writing, so maybe all the fancy perspective stuff would not have been necessary to tell that story, because if you had focussed on just making the few interactions work than this would have been surely a very enjoyable experience. I’m very curious how this would have turned out, if it was finished.

I completely agree with your criticisms. Our group sort of suffered from a lack of direction/experience during the jam. I blame myself as I was the one who sort of brought everyone together but I’ve been severely struggling with my health for a while now and just couldn’t invest as much into the project as I would have liked. Especially for the crafting update, I think we were all sort of burnt out from the previous jam.