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it doesn't say kronos not a titan. It says kronos 

bro i am not saying kronos as in titan of time

I know that. Isn't it obvious? 😂 

why are you being so rude to me leave me alone

ay im just giving you advice on your goofy ah logo thingy

bro it is not a logo it is a picture i created for my art class i wanted to see if anyone liked it stop harrrasing me

All I was saying is that Kronos has a scythe. You put a sword which is very inaccurate as Kronos doesn't have a sword . Its just advice ok. So chill tf out. You could probably get a good grade for making in accurate.

bro it is not the titan or anything i just named it kronos by the way u like greek mythlogy?

yeah I like Greek mythology. Oh you should've mentioned that it's not related to the titan btw

