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I really like the diving bell concept, first I've seen this jam! The procedural nature of the levels and enemy/pickup spawns was a very nice touch and keeps it fresh every time. I see in the pictures there's an upgrade shop, maybe I just missed it but that definitely sounds like a great thing to have in this game, especially if the upgrades carry over after you're destroyed. My only major criticism is that it's not uncommon for you to have to shoot downward so much that you go off-screen at the top and lose sight of the diving bell. I think maybe if there was significantly less force pushing back on the y axis it'd make for more enjoyable gameplay. You could even explain it in lore as the pressure under the sea keeping you moving down!

Anyway, here's my gameplay video playtest of it. Hope it helps provide you some valuable first reaction feedback!


I definitely see what you mean about going above the screen, and I'm very glad that I actually have a video of what that looks like for someone who's unfamiliar with the game. I've been told more or less the same thing before, so I added pushers (for lack of a better word) in an improved version that I'm working on that would guide the player out of the top of the screen, however after seeing this it seems it might be better to have them lower down (maybe where the HUD is) to prevent the player from reaching the top of the screen in the first place.

A few other things I'll just mention in rapid fire:

  • "PTS" is short for points, it just adds 300 points to your score (I suck at designing sprites).
  • I really like the idea of a glossary of items in the pause menu, hopefully I have time to implement it.
  • The shop is in the main menu, which can be accessed again by selecting "menu" when you lose, or "quit" in the pause menu, and shop purchases do persist between game (and save after you close the game too).
  • Mines can be destroyed, though the fact that you didn't know is entirely on me since there's no real visual or audio cue when you shoot them (that's already been improved in the post-jam version).
  • Finally, the game can be played in fullscreen, even if you're using a landscape monitor. The reason I recommend it is because it makes mouse tracking easier. Again, this is entirely on me since I wasn't able to get proper mouse locking working in the game's code.

Thank you so much for your feedback!


Hey, really glad my gameplay was helpful to your development! I completely missed the shop at the main menu lol, it might be a good idea to add it to the menu after losing that way you don't have to go back to the main menu just to go to the shop.


Probably, though the shop's code is held together by hotglue and hope, and the idea of touching it again terrifies me. I'll likely have to redo the shop entirely before I can do that.