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Game development Trembling Essence update:

Hello once again to my devlog! I am here with another update! This one might be slightly long but I condensed everything the best I could. :]

If you would like to play the demo here's a link to it. :]

Things have been going pretty well with the progress of the game so far, there's a few more situations which are pretty much finished and lead into Day 4! Yay! :]

There were a few things I ran into that I fixed up while going through everything again. It felt like I was using an actual first aid kit! :] :

  • There was a certain imbalance where you'd lose HP in one situation but not the other in a specific route. I adjusted it by adding in some dialog and a small scene that gives an idea as to why that happens.
  • I found a glitch where a new scene from another route would continue into a alternate setting depending on what you choose. I gave it a small patch so it transitions smoothly.
  • A few adjustments were made to alternate dialog/possible ending that required a certain amount of closeness with Noah. I hadn't messed with it for a while until recently. When I looked through it, some of the alternate dialog had too much of a drastic reaction to the point it could get pretty confusing for the player. I re-wrote some of the dialog so that even if there's a difference in closeness, it's easier to understand.
  • I also had to heavily clean out a lot of outdated transitions since I didn't understand how to fully organize it at the time I wrote everything out back in early development. It was a little tedious but things are structured now!
  • Since I got rid of the font color change with Noah, I went back and adjusted some of the wording/font size. This is more of a quality of life change since some of it was all over the place.

All that's really left is a few more CG's that need a slight fix/redo and some sprites and it'll be done.

  • Speaking of CG's, I finished up some alternate ones and started placing them around. I cleaned up more dialog that was outdated so it matches what you visually see on the screen. I can't show much of them right now because spoilers and I'm still working on them, I have about 4-ish more to go!

And that's everything I have to report so far!

Thank you guys for your constant support and appreciation on what I'm working on, it doesn't go unnoticed! :,]