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talking to Elizabeth on the first free-roam day crashes the game as the quest "shes_not_a" is not yet defined

While running game code:
   File "game/src/events/elizabeth/elizabeth_events.rpy", line 6, in script
   File "game/src/events/elizabeth/elizabeth_events.rpy", line 10, in <module>
     "I've got the 8 logs" if shes_not_a.goals["Get 8 logs"] == True: 
NameError: name 'shes_not_a' is not defined </module>

a fugly hack is adding the needed chapter as first condition to the "if" (returns false, the faulty second condition is not even considered)

"I've got the 8 logs" if player.in_chapter >= 4 and shes_not_a.goals["Get 8 logs"] == True:

it would be probably better to prefill all quest variables with "False", as default values from the beginning of the game. the fugly hack above will be hell to maintain

Thank you so much for your help my friend. I really appreciate it