a Simple View About Maggot Face
The Gameplay is simple and straight forward it is not very remarkable. The story, welp, it reminds me the classic and low budget 90's movies, i don't know if it was on porpuse but you did a great job on representing that!. The Killer is kinda original (i wonder how is he alive, i mean, he is a living corpse). Something remarkable is about the corpse child... it is not graphic but it's impactfull!.
Now, on the negativa part, is about the goofy animations, i don't feel like the killer is scary with that goofy animation, the sound envirioment is nice but it coul be better (for example, on the outside you could put some owls noices or wind or in the sewers rat sounds and water drops falling).
In Conclusion
You did a great job max on your first game! you need to improve in the sounds, level design (it's a bit confusing and straight forward) and the animations. i'll give it a 7.9/10