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As if I care what U and ur ilk think, yall just want to be involved in any problem that happens that is not ur business so that u can feel strong how stupid r itch kids LMFAO

But its Uchiha not entering ur so-called ''squad'' doesn't mean you have to insult her. If you want to express ur raging issues do it somewhere else


shut up kid, who talked to u anyway?

You, and i am not a kid crybaby

Listen... Mindless...


How stupid it is that your sorry ass came over here and tried to get some girls. Maybe you can get off your 500 pound, kitten having, feet-observing keister, and touch some grass.

If, of course you remember what that is, since you haven't gone outside since you were seven years old.

Is that true? it's very funny


This kid is nothing but a gaggle of laughs.

im not

No, I'm talking about Mindless.

bruh 21 is not a kid mf stupid child 


No way in hell you're 21, my friend.

You act and speak like a seven year old boy who's addicted to Roblox.


idfc bro just shut ur big mouth 

itch kids when hes talking to someone whos 10x as mature as he is


im not stupid u know 😠