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I doubt I'm going to release this (or anything really) as a 'real' game, I just want to make another web game that's a better version of my jam submission. Also my original plan was for the player to have to catch the power-ups after popping the bubbles, but I realised that would be a bit too hard and just kinda forgot to add improved visual feedback. I'll add something into the improved version, probably a text display either on the power-up or the HUD.


Cool, yes i would bet you're in the Top 10 in the end. So a little "better version" could be maybe pretty useful for the first time after the jam. Definitely wish you all the best :-)

Sorry for taking a while to respond.

I highly doubt I'll be in the top 10, there's too many games that are just better (not that it's a bad thing), but I appreciate the confidence.


No problem. I've played a lot in the meantime. From fun and game-mechanic yours is still one of my absolute favorites ;-) 


That's nice (and somewhat surprising) to hear. Also since it was your idea, I've updated the powerups in the new version, they now fade to green before becoming transparent once you collect them (and there's three more of them).


Oh nice, glad i could help a bit.