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The ambience is beautiful, perfect. down to the minute details. the shooting is just OP, maybe needs a 0.2 - 0.3 delay between shots.

I Loved the shop system, its beautiful.

i didn’t understand the game at first, but then i understood it nad it was fun!


I'm not sure if I'd want to limit how frequently the player can shoot, since it's how you navigate, but I can definitely experiment with lowering range or decreasing damage if the player shoots too much. I'll also work on a tutorial section.

Thank you!


I forgot that the shooting was the main thing for a second there. yes your idea is awsome, decrease the damage depending on how many shots per second they were or the range using an int amount_shoot and a coroutine nerf() you can yield return new WaitForSeconds(time) time = float (1-3f); and then check if the amount_shoot exceeds a certain amount by int cap_amount and then decrease range and stuff for 5 seconds! you can add the amount_shoot++; / amount_shoot += 1; / amount_shoot = amount_shoot += 1; in your shooting() function.

this is my visualization of how it’ll work. it may be a little complicated or just a mess everywhere.

But the game is awesome for what it is and how it used the theme well especially the physics in it! (rope)

I'm glad you like the idea!

You suggestion for how it should work however seems to be in C#. C# is a real programming language, and unfortunately I only know fake languages like Python and gdscript.


Fake? bruv, if it’s fake it wouldn’t even function XD

Python and Gdscript are AWESOME and POWERFUl languages. Godot has great potential, and Python is great for all needs, python game library may need around 3-4 years to be a master on it. i have 3.5 years of development and i suck at some things. but i am improving one by one, just like you do!