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Fun game. I Like how you keep having to press space to move forward, its a way of movement I dont see very often. also it was really fun to break the game, how bad that might sound. Like if your movement speed was fast enough, you could just fly out of the map and explore things that wheren't meant to be found. also the.. graveyards? or pedestals (I dont know what they are) where also a pretty good way to encurage players to explore. I played it for quite a long time and I think I can safely say I found everything.

The movement was a bit buggy some times, and it wasn't that clear what to do in the begining, but It was a really fun game overall.

Great game. keep it up♥


Thanks! I too think breaking the game with the crazy movement is the best part :D , I wish I had 1 or 2 more days would have added more things to explore :)