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(1 edit)

Have you tried to install the normal .apk file (i.e. the non-compressed one)?

The [Compressed] version is only 0.2GBs smaller than the normal version and the animations in the [Compressed] one are capped at 30FPS, so it is really only intended for older Android devices. I just downloaded the [Compressed] ".apk" via Mega and was able to install it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok I hope this time it will work. Actually files downloaded from mega don't work for my mobile for some reason so I hope this will work now I am downloading it right now. Anyways the file size in mega is 1.18 gb but on other source it 1.26 gb.


Omg thank you. From different source finally I can Install. So it was true that mega is an enemy of my mobile. Thank you so much kana

Glad it worked out. Enjoy!