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Thank you for your support and honest feedback.

So yeah, starting from Day 3 I changed up the "butt jiggle" style compared to Day 1-2. I understand that this ultimately comes down to personal preference where people fall in one camp or another with the rest in-between. It is something I am taking into account for the next version so I appreciate the candid feedback.

The same is true for the interactive (click-to-spank) function assuming you are taking about Rias & Ichika's scenes. While I did add an automatic mode for Ichika, I didn't for Rias due to some quirks and trade-offs I ran into while trying to implementing it.

Day 2 really only had 1 character (Taiga) that was added due to an old character poll I had. Day 3 has 1 that was voted on (Sagiri) and 7 that I pulled directly from an old "character suggestion" question I had on a prior poll. In retrospect, those 7 and the others I chose have very similar proportions and more body variety would have probably been better. This is something that I'll keep in mind for future days when selecting 'spankee(s)' for Day 4.

I'm happy to hear that you at least enjoyed the humor and RPG battle minigame. And yes, the RPG mechanics was a huge time-sink due to the fact that I'm a novice programmer at the end of the day (no pun intended). I probably won't experiment with something that grandiose again, but instead just build upon the parts of the game that 'I got right' if that makes sense.

Anyways, thanks for the respectfully-worded honest review. Long reviews like this are ones I prefer to engage with since it shows that you are as passionate about the game as I am.

Thank you for responding. Glad to see that I wasn't too harsh in my comment, and I'm very glad my feedback is appreciated. I wish you the best with the development of the future days, and once again, thank you for creating Kana Sensei.