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I have a few criticisms for you, maybe you can take them into account and make something even better next time!

  • Walking speed is in desperate need of an increase. It was pretty tedious to hold a direction for upwards of thirty seconds just waiting to hit the transition.
  • It would be nice to be able to aim the rifle in more directions that just where you are facing, because I found aiming to be a little awkward.
  • Checkpoints!! I died at one of the first enemies and was sent all the way back to the start, which was a little annoying.

Otherwise, I thought this was pretty cool! Got big Yume Nikki / Omori Black Space vibes, which I appreciated.

Thanks for creating!

Lovely! Thank you for playing, and all of your criticisms, they will indeed go into consideration when designing my future projects.

Also for the game recs! I have heard of both YN and Omori, but not actually played either ( 🥶🎉).

Hope you have a marvelous day! 🍓