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(3 edits) (+3)

bro this isn't even pr0n, this is art...

some things caribdis does really well (MINOR 0.6 SPOILERS):

- tons of transitions: characters react to almost every line of dialogue, and the scene constantly changes, keeping the story action-oriented.

- avoids exposition: this ties into the first point--because the characters / scene are constantly changing, the story can't just be endless boring monologues about things that happened previously/elsewhere. in other games, you hear about it. in Caribdis games, you see it!

- keeps "tension" building: really good flirting, costumes, poses, and the character's reactions to them keep the "focus" of the game correct.

- humorous: legit funny writing / directing keeps the story from becoming overly serious (which is hard to pull off in a visual novel anyway).

- callbacks/foreshadowing: its just good storytelling when characters acknowledge stuff that happened in the past, and you set up clues about what is the come. the latter keeps the player's mind guessing and engaged.

- relatable PC: many games try to make the PC a sort of blank slate so they don't put anyone off, but this just makes the story bland and limited (e.g. by killing character development). Caribdis' PC's are not too soy or too redpilled, and the inner monologue usually matches what im thinking.

- ATTRACTIVE CHARACTER DESIGN: enough said! not a single miss in any of C's games. This goes for personality too--even the tropes I usually don't like are tolerable and even enjoyable in Caribdis games.

- character development: obviously every good story needs some, and C delivers. notably, the "scenes" usually develop the characters personality as well, as inhibitions fall etc. and this just makes them more memorable/meaningful.

- attention to detail: in every regard, but especially with the graphics. just on another level from most VNs i have played. example from 0.6, the scene where PC is sweating bullets while two girls glare daggers at him in the background -- the subtle rendering effects really add to the humor of this scene.

- setting: the concept for Eternum really makes it really easy to have incredible variety. props to Caribdis for executing each "server" so well and having fun with the whole 4th wall thingy of characters commenting on history/scifi/fantasy settings from a "simulation" perspective. it will be hard for other games to top this!

- the "scene" animation: i mean... duh.  the best. only thing to mention is that C keeps one-upping the last scene!


i could probably keep going but my brain is getting fried typing this all out... maybe i can balance out this d-riding with a few criticisms:

- the "scene" progressions are a bit predictable: there's a similar sequence of "action" with many of the different girls which can diminish the surprise/anticipation a bit. the "side girls" scenes are a nice exception.

- a few missed opportunities: the flashbacks during annie's scene were great. i feel alex's scene (or preceding sequence) could have benefited from a similar reference to her background material.

- one way Eternum might be a slight step back from OiaL is the more "abrupt" transitions between "chapters" (for lack of a better word). OiaL had a nice flow from section to section, whereas Eternum has a bit more "adventure in server" -> "fall asleep in room" -> "adventure in server" type of flow. maybe this is just my imagination, but it could be nice to break things up with some more time in the real world.

and that's all. i'm sort of grasping at straws with the criticisms. amazing game! the only way to possibly fumble would be... not going where i think you're going with Calypso (i.e. THE BEST CHARACTER)!


Thank you for your great review!!