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huge succubus yea thats what ive been waiting for that what its all about

and oh god it was so enjoyable and close i had like 30 characters left i think??? while i had 300 at the beginning of last level. the difficulty really spikes up i think. Other than that game being brilliant and i will definetely not delete it, one gameplay might feel a bit too long honestly, maybe there could be a shorter option. btw would love some difficulty and wpm or something on screen like this one below :) thanks for great game and fun

Thanks for commenting. I'll add more information to the win/death screens and improve their appearance. There are three difficulties btw, so switch to an easier one if you want a shorter game.

I actually barely made it out alive through the easiest one, skill issue probably

I've uploaded a new version which makes enemies slower in learner mode and added difficulty text to the end screen. Check it out!