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There's a lot of good stuff here but I do have a couple complaints I want to briefly make:

I think the visual effects are probably too intense -- especially with the camera glitch, the game was pretty hard to look at and as far as I know I don't have any specific visual processing disorders or the like. I think this effect should unquestionably have some kind of setting to disable it.

Second, the moving platform sections really broke the flow of the game. I sort of counted for the horizontal platform and my estimation is that, if you miss the platform, you have to wait at least 24 seconds? That seems like a very long time. In fact, for a very long time I was completely stumped at what to do at that section. I kept trying to get the checkpoint or jump on the floor or something, because I simply had no idea to begin with that there was a platform. I think the moving platforms would benefit from some kind of lever system or similar.

OK, so those were my complaints. Now on to the good stuff.

I really like how this game looks. The player character looks great, the world looks great, I love the parallax effect.

If I understood the coin mechanic correctly, I thought it was pretty cool--my thought was that the coins were everpresent in the level, but you were able to reach different ones due to different glitches. This is a fun idea.

I thought there was a good variety of puzzle solving and gameplay differences between the different glitches. I liked how the glitches revealed new sections of the level, and I think the game ending / loop mechanic is fun.

I think the player character has good-feeling movement. Sure, there's no variable jump height, but the jump feels good IMO, and has a somewhat unique feeling.

The music was a lot of fun as well.