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(1 edit)

Thank you for trying it out <3

I acknowledge that the game is a bit hard. That's where You, player, come in! Based on your (and others) attempt, I did some updates:

  1. When you hit and hold E when facing a wall and you move towards actually interactable thing, it will now show interaction prompt. I saw you having issue with that when trying to enter the hiding spot.
  2. The electric box has been updated with prompts, better highlighting of what's interactable and proper visual + sound feedback. Now it should be more clear how to interact with it and when you fail to fix it. I imagined electric box to be fixed sooner, but I failed at properly communicating what's going on with it. Now you should more easily know what to do and get those red lights go away sooner :) (yes, this changes lights back to normal)
  3. There is now an in-game "art" piece showing that hiding in rooms is not something that you should do. It's a bit on the nose, but I hope it will clear out any doubts when it comes to "where to hide". I've tried to rely heavily on the "light means something" with the green, "safe" light of the hiding spots. Now, the added graphic should complement this and it should be obvious what (not) to do.
  4. I've increased the range of monster's sound. Now you can hear him earlier and have extra time to escape from a room.

I hope this will make game more bearable and beatable for more folks.

I am considering to add difficulty settings to make game even more accessible.

Thanks again and have a great day! :)