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(3 edits)

    -Intro: WELCOME TO OFFROAD 3000`S MODDING GUIDE. You can review this guide at any time from `PROJECT_MB/StreamingAssets/MB_MODS/Readme.txt`.
-Note 0: OFFROAD 3000 was built to be very moddable, you can practically just import any mod file into the suite of your choice, edit, and then export.
-Note 1: Each mod is in its own folder with its textures, You can just copy and paste an existing folder and the game will just detect it as a brand new CAR or TRACK.
-Note 2: Diffuse and emission textures must be in the same folder as the CAR or TRACK. You should include a MENU_PREVIEW.png as a main menu preview.
-Note 3: you MUST name your MESH the exact same name as your OBJECT in the .obj file. Dont use `_` in the MESH name other than when necessary for offset or rgb values.
-Note 4: .OBJ files do not have origin points. HOWEVER, add `_x0_y0_z0` to the end of the mesh name to have them anyway. (*1 vertice as an offset objects do not need this)
-Note 5: Dont forget to triangulate your faces before exporting your MESH file.
-Note 6: There's an optional STATS.txt file in the car folder, you can edit car stats there.
-Note 7: That`s it, really! HAVE FUN!
        ----SPECIAL .OBJ MESH NAMING: (track only)----
WATER!     - water objects with transparency and uv offset that is shifted over time.
NIGHT!     - objects that only appear at night
LIGHT!     - MUST be 1 vertice as an offset,  and must have `_r0_g0_b0` in name. each number is the RGB value of the light.
BEND!      - Objects can be bent and broken off by impacts. Should include offset in the name `_x0_y0_z0`
NOCOL!     - No collision.
PHYS!      - Makes a frozen physics object. (*The physics center of gravity is in the middle of the mesh)
BARREL!    - MUST be 1 vertice as an offset, Makes an explosive barrel.
CHECK!     - MUST be 1 vertice as an offset, Must include _c0 at the end for checkpoint order.
INAV!      - Invisible trigger mesh that makes the car Ignore the NAVmesh during checkpoint hunting so that it turns directly towards the next checkpoint. Keep in mind, the trigger collider will be CONVEX so separate them properly.
TRAVEL!    - MUST be 1 vertice as an offset, it is random areas the ai may want to visit when it is bored.
HOLO!      - Makes an entire suite of features, such as: Material set to Fade, Spinning model, Scrolling material, Removed collision.
        ----SPECIAL .OBJ MESH NAMING: (Vehicle only)----    
WHEELEX    - Extra rear wheels
        ----SPECIAL .OBJ MESH NAMING: (For all)----    
OFFSET!    - Finds offset in middle of mesh. Optional `_x0_y0_z0` as sub offset.