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how do you play the game after downloading it. i see you misunderstood the first guy who asked so i figured i would ask again as a fresh comment

I didn't misunderstand. Which operating system did you download it for? He didn't answer me.

it doesnt really matter. you can easily just tell us what to do after downloading for both of them. if you dont know just say so instead of insulting the guy. idk why its so hard to say 
for windows do this:

for linux do this:

considering you didnt give info on how to run either of them in the description you can atleast give it in the comments that ask for it

Alpine Linuxsudo apk add chocolate-doom

Arch Linuxyay -S chocolate-doom

Debian / Ubuntuapt install chocolate-doom

Note that in releases of Debian before v9, you must enable the contrib area to access the package.

Fedoradnf install chocolate-doom

Gentoo: See Building Chocolate Doom on Gentoo.

Guix Systemguix install chocolate-doom

Linux Mintsudo apt install chocolate-doom

Mageiaurpmi chocolate-doom

OpenSuSEzypper install chocolate-doom

Void Linuxsudo xbps-install chocolate-doom

A "Chocolate Setup" tool accompanies the port and can be used to configure it. The setup tool mimics the appearance of the original Doom setup program.