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(1 edit)

Interesting idea with the drawing your own platforms, kind of like frozone in the Incredibles. However  I don't really get what I'm supposed to do, or better said, I tried some random stuff for dozens of times until something worked but it doesn't really feel satisfying, more like gaming the system. Also often it doesn't work as I would expect, like for example often the blue bar at the top goes down but no path appears in the level. The cursor is also so big I wasn't sure at first where the drawing happens. I think it's at the top of the snowflakey thing.

The game is also light on the theme, the freezing doesn't really seem to affect gameplay, it's just the thing that happens when you die?

Overall I was a bit confused, maybe it could help if there's a tutorial level or maybe a frozen element already so you can see what you're supposed to do with the drawing mechanic.

One thing I liked is that you can respawn very fast, like super meatboy, so you can keep trying.

With some improvements or instructions could be a really nice game! One way or another nice job making a whole game in 9 days as a solo dev!

Also btw the description sounds like it was generated by chatGPT. It's a bit long to read and I think people just want a quick fast "how to play"! So I would suggest making it much shorter, and it's always nicer to write it yourself rather than let a robot do it ;)