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(2 edits)

i've gone to that fire temple every time i get a new event. The problem is, nothing happens. I saw a comment a while back that i have to progress through the story in order to get the 2nd fire golem to spawn, but the problem is, i dont know what to do to progress the story. The only side quest open is the ghost ship, but i've already given Galiene to the captain, Faylen to the 2nd ghost, and Liam to the 3rd ghost. The problem is, no more ghosts showed up, and the Desert Prince's assistant thanked me for getting rid of the ghost ship. The only thing left unsolved is the Assistant and Liam discussing the absence of the sword, and the assistant saying the ghost captain having the sword in a cave. Which is how i got Liam to get possessed by the 3rd ghost. I guess i can try asking her to give back Liam, but i doubt that'll do any good.

oh wait, i think i've made progress.. i forgot i saved my game as Celica and Evie was taking the Count's maid to the forsaken keep while she was looking for some fabric. Then Celica got taken over by some living armor. I think this is Glacie. Maybe.

Yes! That's what i had to do. Had to get Glacie to appear and get her logged in my Character event log. Then talk to fortune teller to ask how to improve relationship with Glacie. Which then in turn triggered the hint from the barkeeper to go to the fire temple. I think asking the fortune teller for relationship advice on nel is what triggered the event with Evie and the Maid to run into Glacie.