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Thank you for the kind words! I hadn't originally intended on making a full book, but it just blossomed into one over the course of a year or so. I'm primarily a solo player, so that's why there is so much focus on the random tables. Ideally i wanted a full system and oracle/adventure/item/creature generation that synergised with itself without needing to convert on the fly.

The result is a heavily modified combination of procedures and tables from various sources (including my own) that i have used for years with great success.. all in one place! 

Oh, and the fact that the page count is divisible by 4 is no accident - you can print it as a booklet in Adobe and saddle stitch/staple to give you an A5 booklet.

When i get around to it, I am intending on adding a spread of example items after the treasure pages. Plus anything else that I think of that might be helpful.

I hope you get as much use out of it as I have :)