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This game is really addictive, I found myself playing multiple rounds because the gameplay loop was just that much fun. Switching between movement and shooting is such a clever mechanic because it makes the player think about strategic positioning which is so cool and refreshing. The only aspects that I was not that convinced by were the visuals and the enemies, while the style is consistent throughout the game, some of the elements are visually confusing; for instance, there is an enemy that drops green orbs and I was not sure exactly if that was supposed to be good or bad at first. In regard to the enemies, sometimes it feels like they are too small and hard to hit, I understand that shooters usually require certain level of precision, however at times I felt like I couldn't aim properly at the enemies due to their size. But these two are just minors complains, and I would still agree that this game is really great and I would definitely play a full version of this game with a wide variety of enemies and mechanics.

Didn't think anyone would like this game this much. I probably should've changed the enemy projectiles to red instead since you mentioned the green enemy.  Thanks for the compliments and feedback!.