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Hey Aaryn, amazing game mate, I have played through both threads of the first release and am now working my way through the revamps, just amazing story line, best gay game I have ever played.

I went to download the android version, the revamp download just showed a splash screen not associated with the game and the original version wanted to access every app on my phone which seemed a bit strange. do you have a link to a correct download for android? or am I being paranoid. Cheers Dave

(1 edit)

Heya Dave. Glad you're enjoying the story and especially the revamps. It's a ton of extra work with a lot of new additions but I'm glad it's still feeling fresh. I like it waaaaay better than the original :)

In terms of the android port, you don't sound paranoid and I don't blame you for the question. I don't make the android port myself. A guy named DarkAssassin does it for me and because he takes the time to make ports of my game, I'm completely cool if he puts his own logo on that specific version of the game. 

That being said, I'm going to recommend you only download the game from here on or from my Patreon links because those are official. If someone else makes a port and sneaks some bullshit into it, I can't really stop them on other websites.

Someone else on the Discord was worried about the permissions that it asks for as well so I reached out to him to clarify several months ago. I'll try to explain this but please understand it's me paraphrasing (probably poorly, lol). Because the game is saved on the device and contains images, pictures, and/or sound effects, it requires your permissions to actually access it its own files and pictures. It shouldn't be accessing any of your personal data, personal pictures, or things of that nature. It should only be accessing it's own images but still needs permission because its data is on the device. Lemme know if that makes sense or if you need more clarification.