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Hmm, an interesting atmospheric game. Firefox did not like this one: it kept distorting the audio and lagging out until I switched to chrome. Don't know what that's about.

I'm not sure how the lantern is supposed to work. You turn it on, and it stays on for four seconds; then it turns off, where you can turn it back on again. However, if you prematurely turn it off, you have to wait the whole four seconds before you can turn it off again. It seems like you just have to be careful to keep it on without prematurely disabling it, and then it's endlessly on. It's hardly a limitation.

I liked when the ghost fell behind the protagonist. It had a good setup to it.

Good work!


Hey!! Thank you for your comment!!

First of all, I don´t know why Firefox didn't like the game, I don´t use it so I didn´t test there, sorry about that!!

Secondly, the lantern works the way I intended, you just have 4 seconds to use it, even if you turn it off (I thought it would be more challenging). But almost finishing the game I realized that if you press all the time the E button, you will encourage no trouble(because it will be always ON). I didn't have the time to think of another idea and fix it so I just leave it like that.

Thanks a lot!!

Brothers videogame.