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Hi hi! Former exister here lol: <- we all hang out here now, I hope this helps!

and for context: the creator kinda sorta banned(???) us from talking here, so anything not related to mgm and just a normal conversation or question (like what I'm saying now) will be downvoted *even tho it makes no sense cuz downvotes don't do anything*

Cute pfp btw, I hope this helped! 

Possibly, see you around! ⁠♪


omg tysm for answering!! I will go ahead and chat over there with u guys aswell bc I am soooo bored nowadays, also ty for the compliment on my pfp, I made it myself! :33


No problemo! 

And to awnser the question about the downvotes: to hell if I know lol, they sure are dedicated though

Yooo that's so rad!! It looks neat!


dedicated is deff the word.....and ty, once again :D



Happy to help!


oh also- who is the one downvoting all these posts? lol.