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my screen has been black for over 2 hours now? I reload it after it being black for 10 minutes, but then it just does the loading barand sends me to the black screen again. I tried going out of the tab and searching it up again, but it still doesn't work?

This has happened to me before. I suggest getting Microsoft Edge or another browser. But if you can’t or that doesn’t work, just redownload your browser. That should fix it.


-cries- I got microsoft edge but now the same thing is happening on that? I close my mac, come back and its frozen. I reload it and its black and won't load the game at all

Hmmm... Try re downloading it. and if not, try downloading the full version of the game.

You might wanna go take this up with the discord instead, there are more experienced people there that can help you with your problem. Sorry to hear that tho, that must be frustrating :[