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Just got to know that you are unwell. I wish you a speedy recovery.  Get well soon and please don't push yourself to release an update. Take rest.

Abt the game - i played the last update but it was mainly focused on Bearnie (not a fan of him honestly)  I hope the next update focuses on Edward or Ray

Thank you for your emotional support on my state of health, little by little it gets better. :D <3 I don’t know which update you have played, I start to lose shots because there are 3 updates in the circle. Maybe the one where Bernard introduced Hermano into the house, anyway... I’m slowly carrying on the story of all the characters in rotation. And when I don’t bring them forward, I have them explore new content because it’s only right that Ethan should also have a life outside of the family. They’ll be here soon. :D i wish you a good day

Good to know that you are recovering. I played the 2.3 version. 

Thank you! I can't wait to see how you will take this story forward. #Excited 
