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Hey there mohammad, dont really know if ur reading this, but if u do, its me Adam. Yup the adam from the school bus. I remember u showing me this game when you were in 6th grade, I even got the file of the game. I remember it was called karlson 64 originally. If u dont know y dont u see me in our community, its because i moved out. I still got the file tho and passed the game. I missed the old times when we used to play that monkey game that u made. Those times were what i call the "golden" times for me. U remember the time when i always used to fight with the 1st grader mohammed, haha i miss him too. Remember the time where rital got great on a test and the got mad cuz she thought its bad. Remember we used to talk about "Adult stuff". Hahah great times back then. Well have a great game-developing life mohammad *waves*


Damn this got me real emotional