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Great entry imo. The artstyle is both good and consistent (personally I liked the hand-drawn-looking style with that effect I don't know the name of), and I think the crunchy explosion PNGs and accompanying SFX really help make it SBIG rather than just good. It's also mechanically sound, with the minigames all being unique and fun to play (well, most of them - I couldn't figure out what the pink line game wanted me to do, personally, and the train game felt like a sadistic use of information most people wouldn't reasonably know, not that that's a bad thing of course :P). The hiding mechanic was also fun (though, it was a bit annoying at first to click the door and have the character shut it only for their family to phase through anyways because I was too slow and not using audio cues). I liked how there's an actually impactful risk-reward factor to it, with closing the door having a cooldown and longer windup and also requiring you to mouse all the way over to the side (which some minigames might punish you for), while closing your laptop is easier and faster, but costs time - I ended up getting good use out of both of them, and it didn't feel like closing my laptop was just a 'backup plan' of sorts for when the door was on cooldown. I also liked how this mechanic let the player use their IRL paranoia skills for an in-game advantage. Overall, I think this entry is a tad weak in the "bad" department.