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I loved this game! You have a great visual style with the giant googly-eye monster shapes, and the audio fit really well with it too. Here is my main feedback:

  • It took about 15 minutes in total for me to complete the demo, with about 8 minutes for the first boss (2 stars), 4 for the second (also 2 stars), and 2 for the third (1 star). I wasn't trying to get any high scores or perfect runs though, so I could definitely see other players that do care more about that stuff spending longer to grind better runs. I submitted my scores as SamuelK on the leaderboard for reference.
  • I played on my mouse only, but I would have loved to play on a controller! Not sure if it is supported for other controller types, but my PS5 controller wasn't detected so I assume it's not (yet), or only for XBox controllers. The battle style seems like it would map perfectly onto a single joystick! I know in some game engines like Godot there is support for generic gamepad inputs, hopefully there is something like that for the engine you used.
  • Speaking of controls, it's nice that mouse support is available, but I think it would also be nice to have some keyboard options for accessibility. Even if it's just left/right arrows or a/d for clockwise and counter-clockwise movement, some option would be better than none (it could be that this already exists and I just overlooked it).
  • I think it would be a good idea to put a movement speed cap on your character - I found many times where I would fly right over the pickups because the character would teleport too quickly to my cursor's angle, especially when I'd move the mouse through the center of the screen. This also led to a couple times where I accidentally teleported right into a bullet because my mouse wasn't exactly where I thought it was. It makes sense for the character to be very quick because of the bullet-hell style of gameplay, but this just felt slightly too much to me. For mouse inputs at least, one idea could be for your game to consume all mouse input while it is focused, and instead of using the mouse's screen position to determine the character's angle, you might just make it react to relative movements to determine where to go - maybe this would work best as an alternative control mode, but I don't actually know whether it would be a good experience yet.
  • I like the attack patterns overall, but there were a couple times on the second and third bosses that it felt like I got trapped without a possible way not to get hit, when there were multiple enemy attacks happening concurrently. I also found it a bit hard to make out the cross-beam attack shape on the first boss during their second phase before it would fire, which might be a monitor color issue on my end. I think both of these issue could be greatly improved with some minor tweaks though!
  • Difficulty wise, aside from the things I mentioned above, I found the first boss to be reasonably challenging and the others to be pretty easy, probably because I got a better understanding of the game by that point. That's not to say they weren't fun though! I would have liked the second and third bosses to be harder though - maybe having multiple difficulty levels for each boss would help to keep things interesting while still being accessible for players without as much experience with these kinds of games.
  • A fullscreen button would be much appreciated! I zoomed in my browser to try to make it as fullscreen as possible, but because I'm on an ultrawide there were still cut off edges on the left and right sides.